REFLEXOLOGY Refresher (incl. A&P)(4days)
(200 NRRI CPD credits)
Date: 1st weekend: Sat 2nd+ Sun 3rd March / 2nd weekend Sat 4th +Sun 5th May, 2024
Venue: Knockingall Community Centre, Piercetown, Co. Wexford Y35EP2V
Cost: each weekend €250 (deposit €80)
Contact: Gwendoline Cunningham
Telephone: 085-7180106
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: The South East Academy of Classical Reflexology FacebookPage
More info:
The majority of the applicants wish to review A+P so I have prepared the relevant course syllabus to cover this for everyone.
This Refresher Course is recognised by the National Register of Reflexologists of Ireland and will carry a massive 200 NRRI CPD credits.
Upon completion of assessment after the two weekends, you will be presented with a Certificate of attendance which, once presented to the N.R.R.I. will allow you to register with them so you can then get insurance and re-commence your therapy.
During the two weekends we will cover/revisit all basic and some advanced techniques I myself have learned during my career.
For example:
- Thumb and finger walking technique, hooking (where and why),
- The warm up techniques and the Routine,
- Locating reflex points,
- Zone therapy (Lateral and horizontal),
- Reading the feet,
- Yielding pressure,
- Systems of the body (and which ones work together),
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Setting up for your client/bed,
- Contraindications/Cautions,
- Basic First Aid,
- Setting up or growing your practice, and business module.
- Record taking and importance of same for insurance purposes,
- The importance of registering with the N.R.R.I. or similar organisation
...and many more
I will also send you my personal youtube tutorials where I perform the
entire treatment (in 4 separate tutorials) so you have it after you
These weekends will be relaxed and fun, no pressure, I will ease you back in to what you love to do, which is to help people!
For More Information & Bookings please contact GWENDOLINE on 085-7180106