News and Events

Are you thinking of training
to become a Professional Reflexologist?

All NRRI Reflexology Schools offer in person comprehensive training in reflexology.

Every school accredited by the NRRI has their own customised methods and specialities, but all adhere to the highest standards of training which are approved by the NRRI.

You can be assured when you train with an NRRI school you are being trained by those who have achieved the highest criteria required to deliver the best possible reflexology course to their students.

By choosing the NRRI you are choosing the very best there is.

Our Accredited Schools
are Enrolling Now


This is a great honour to be hosting Dr. EDUARDO LUIS from Portugal to teach again in Ireland. This time he will present his most favourite topic of connecting REFLEXOLOGY with MERIDIANS and TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE.
This 2-day, hands-on, CPD workshop takes place on Sat 19th + Sun 20th October 2024 at LUCAN SPA HOTEL in Dublin.

Don't Miss the Chance to Train with the Best!

Places strictly limited, please book early to avoid disappointment.
More info and bookings >>HERE>>


Dear Members & Friends!



Registry Office will be closed from
MONDAY 10th of June and will
re-open on THURSDAY 20th of June.

Please leave a voice mail or send email to:
[email protected] and we will contact as soon as possible upon our return.

Our sincere apologies for any
inconvenience this may cause.

Tomasz & Anna


Welcome to our website
NRRI was established in 1998 as a registered non-profit making professional body to regulate the practice of reflexology in Ireland as a complementary therapy, through qualified registered members and affiliated schools.
Apply Here


 Judy Buckley School of Reflexology

Principal/Tutor: Judy Buckley


Office Address:

3 Finner Avenue, Bundoran, Co. Donegal

School's Address:

Unit 58, Enniskillen Business Centre

21 Lackaghboy Road,

Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh.






[email protected]




Next Reflexology Diploma Course Derived from Classical and Ethnic Origins           

Commencing:   25th March 2023

Venue:           Unit 58, Enniskillen BC, 21 Lackaghboy Road, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh    

Principal:        Judy Buckley, MNRRI

Contact Details:      Mobile: 087-9956961

e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.judybuckleyreflexology.com


Judy Buckley M.I.R.I is the immediate past 3-term National Chairperson of the Irish Reflexologists Institute Ltd and has been a practicing Reflexologist for the last 10 years.

Reflexology is the holistic understanding, study and practice of meeting points and areas in the feet and hands that relate to corresponding parts of the body. using precise hand and finger techniques, a reflexologist may improve circulation, induce relaxation and enable homeostasis. This encourages the person's own healing systems to be activated to maintain well-being.

Judy has been offering Reflexology treatments to many adult clients from Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim and Mayo since 2007.

Following on from the sad spate of teenage suicides across the Northwest from 2010 onwards, she ran a pilot programme of Reflexology and Positivity with Transition Year students in the progressive Maig Ene College in Bundoran, in 2013 and received amazingly positive feedback and testimonials, not only from the students, but from their parents as well.

There was universal acknowledgement that the reflexology had increased their own feelings of wellbeing and led them to a better place psychologically to deal with the everyday challenges of teenage life.

From this outcome, one of the parents approached Judy to request a series of treatments for her younger child who was in the Autistic Spectrum.
He has exhibited poor sleep patterns, irritability and poor digestion.

Judy started treatment and immediately discovered the everyday challenges that carers of such children encounter, such as a lack of willingness to engage or sit still for any length of time.
It took a number of weeks for Judy to build-up a rapport with the boy and gently extend each session from an initial 10 minutes to a full hour session after a month or so.

The results were startling ! Not only did the boys mother remark that he was more settled and sleeping through the night for the first time in years, he actually relaxed so much that he fell asleep during treatment.

As carer, she and her family were now able to get better sleep periods as well and had more energy to deal with daytime challenges as a result.

Word went out throughout the area amongst parents of similar children and Judy quickly acquired an ever-growing clientele and found similar results with all the children.She subsequently ran a course with the Northern Ireland Autism Association in Omagh, Co Tyrone and following that secured a regular weekly class with the prestigious Willowbridge (Erne) School in Enniskillen. She is now running her 3rd year of therapy at this school.

Judy believes that Reflexology has now been shown to help reach out to people with intellectual challenges and Autism unlike any other treatment or intervention - for some, it may be the only form of tactile engagement they have with another person.

Listening to some young and articulate adults with Autism on the Late Late Show a in 2015, they spoke of how a lot of the time their world is crazy, hectic and unstructured and how structure, repetition and regularizing activities can help them deal with the rest of the chaos in their lives.

Perhaps this goes some way to explaining the amazing results that Judy has achieved with these children. For now Judy is just happy to see the smiles on their faces, knowing that she has helped to reduce or remove their anxieties and help them find a more peaceful and rewarding life as a result of her intervention.

The high level of demand for Judy's services (She has clinics in 3 schools and private sessions late into most evenings) has now outstripped her available calendar and she has been forced to offer workshops to Carers and parents to help meet the demand for personal attention from an ever increasing clientele.

More recently Judy has begun to upskill in SEBD, (Social, Educational Behavioural Development), marrying it with her learnings from the last decade of Reflexology practice & development, to best deliver personal programmes for troubled and difficult children, to increase Childhood, Teen & Youth Wellbeing and fight against the plague of recent teenage suicides and self harm.

Judy lives with her two teenage children in Bundoran, Co Donegal.


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