This ‘Membership Cancellation and Termination Policy' is to guarantee that NRRI Membership Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is respected and to assure that decision made by the Registrar is fair and without prejudice.
1. Membership can be cancelled by request (verbal or written) from a member without a reason at any time.
2. When membership is cancelled by a member remaining fee will not be refunded.
3. After cancellation, member can re-instate its membership at any time, at discretion of the NRRI Registrar.
1. Membership can be terminated at the discretion of Registrar, however fair judgement, common sense and no prejudice must be kept at all times.
2. Membership will be terminated by the Registrar if a member has breached the 'NRRI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct'.
3. Membership can be terminated by the Registrar if a formal complaint has been filed against the member (subject to a Complaint Committee's decision).
4. Membership can be terminated by the Registrar if a member has failed to accept the autonomy of the NRRI Registry.
5. Membership can be terminated by the Registrar if a member has acted on disadvantage of NRRI Registry and/or its members.
6. Membership that was terminated will get a refund of remaining months.
7. Membership that was terminated can be re-instated after 12 months at the discretion of NRRI Registrar.
Any proposed addition, deletion, or amendment to this Complaint Policy will be considered by the N.R.R.I. Advisory Council whose final decision will be notified to members.
Reviewed, May 2020