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Are you thinking of training
to become a Professional Reflexologist?

All NRRI Reflexology Schools offer in person comprehensive training in reflexology.

Every school accredited by the NRRI has their own customised methods and specialities, but all adhere to the highest standards of training which are approved by the NRRI.

You can be assured when you train with an NRRI school you are being trained by those who have achieved the highest criteria required to deliver the best possible reflexology course to their students.

By choosing the NRRI you are choosing the very best there is.

Our Accredited Schools
are Enrolling Now


This is a great honour to be hosting Dr. EDUARDO LUIS from Portugal to teach again in Ireland. This time he will present his most favourite topic of connecting REFLEXOLOGY with MERIDIANS and TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE.
This 2-day, hands-on, CPD workshop takes place on Sat 19th + Sun 20th October 2024 at LUCAN SPA HOTEL in Dublin.

Don't Miss the Chance to Train with the Best!

Places strictly limited, please book early to avoid disappointment.
More info and bookings >>HERE>>


Dear Members & Friends!



Registry Office will be closed from
MONDAY 10th of June and will
re-open on THURSDAY 20th of June.

Please leave a voice mail or send email to:
[email protected] and we will contact as soon as possible upon our return.

Our sincere apologies for any
inconvenience this may cause.

Tomasz & Anna


Welcome to our website
NRRI was established in 1998 as a registered non-profit making professional body to regulate the practice of reflexology in Ireland as a complementary therapy, through qualified registered members and affiliated schools.
Apply Here

NRRI CPD Programme presents new fixed CPD Credits rating for First Aid Training. Outlined below are minimum required characteristics for each course to be awarded with cpd. Although our specs are strongly based on Order of Malta training syllabus, please note that we will respect any other first aid training as long as its conents meets required criteria.


(25 NRRI CPD credits)

Cardiac arrest is a common cause of death and may be caused by heart disease, choking or electric shock and it can happen without warning. Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) started without delay increases the patient's chances of survival. This course deals with serious conditions and incidents. It is ideal if you would like to be trained in CPR skills and know what to do when initially faced with a person's sudden collapse. This course is suitable for sporting organisations, parents, healthcare workers and those engaged in childcare.

Topics covered in the course should include:
• Healthy living
• Cardiac arrest / heart attack
• Treatment of choking
• Unconsciousness in adult and children

Course Duration: 4 hours

Basic Life Support Certificates, which are valid for three years, are issued to successful participants.
Recertification training courses are available for those whose certificates are due for renewal.



(25 NRRI CPD credits)

This course is designed for the general public, particularly those with an interest in learning first aid and for groups, such as youth clubs, sporting organisations and transition year students.
This introductory course will teach you how to handle emergency situations and also covers vital life-saving and resuscitation techniques. When an accident happens, your first reactions are vital: the more you know about First Aid, the more effective you will be.

Topics covered in the course should include:
• Life-threatening conditions
• Heart Attack and Cardiac arrest
• Major bleeding
• Conditions affecting Breathing
• Burns and scalds
• Injuries to bones and joints
• Unconsciousness

Duration of course: 4-6 hours

Certification: Certificates which are valid for three years are issued to successful participants. A valid certificate in Basic First Aid satisfies most insurance requirements.
Please note that this Certificate in Basic First Aid does not satisfy the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) requirements for industry.

CFR (Cardiac First Response)

(25 NRRI CPD credits)

The Cardiac First Response programme of Order of Malta Ireland was developed by the Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council to put in place a National Standard to ensure that those who suffer cardiac arrest in the community are given the best possible chance of survival. The programme ensures that the chain of survival is intact and that patients receive basic life support before the arrival of the emergency services, without which advanced life support will not succeed.

Topics covered in the course should include:
• Heart attacks, assessment of collapse, cardiac arrest
• Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation for adults, children, infants
• Treatment of choking for adults, children and infants
• Assessment and treatment of stroke
• Operation of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
• Maintenance of AED machine

Duration of Course: 6 - 8 hours.

Certification: CFR certificates, which are valid for two years, are issued to successful participants, who are registered with the PHECC as Cardiac First Responders. Order of Malta Training Services recommends that refresher training should take place every six months but must be undertaken at least once annually. Recertification training courses are available for those whose certificates are due for renewal.


Occupational First Aid

(50 NRRI CPD credits)

First Aid in the workplace saves lives. As a qualified First Aider you will have the essential skills to handle First Aid situations from minor slips and trips to more serious incidents.
This three-day course satisfies the Health and Safety Authority requirements for first aid at work and follows the syllabus prescribed by the Health and Safety Authority. Additional site specific modules can be added, if required.

Topics covered in the course should include:
• Accident scene management
• Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest
• Conditions affecting Breathing
• Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
• Bleeding and wounds
• Injuries to bones, joints and soft tissues
• Burns and scalds
• Other medical emergencies

Duration of course: Two/Three days

Certification: As and from 1st September 2008 Occupational First Aid Certificates, which are issued to all successful participants are valid for two years.
Recertification Training Courses are available for those whose certificates are due for renewal.

Recertification Courses

(25-50 NRRI CPD credits)

Occupational First Aid Recertification
A one day recertification course is available for those whose Occupational First Aid certificate is due for renewal. Under Health and Safety Legislation participants' certificates must be current. or have expired not more than six months before the commencement of the course. If your certificate has expired more than six months you must redo the full course. Topics covered in the recertification course are the same as outlined for the full course. (50 NRRI CPD)

Basic First Aid Recertification
The one refresher day course for those whose Basic First Aid certificate is either about to expire or has expired not more than three months before the commencement of the course. Basic first aid certificates are valid for three years and recertification is strongly recommended. Topics covered in the refresher course are the same as outlined for the full course. (25 NRRI CPD)

Cardiac First Response recertification
While Order of Malta Training Services recommends refresher training every six months, recertification is mandatory every year to maintain a valid CFR certificate. This four to six hour course is suitable for those who require recertification in CFR. Topics covered in the refresher course are the same as outlined for the full course. (25 NRRI CPD)




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